Here are a few ways you can get involved and help our ministry reach those who need it most!


We know there is power in prayer! We are grateful for your prayers for the ministry and those we serve.

Please pray:

  • That God will continue to provide the means for us to reach out in our community to those in need.
  • That God will continue to provide volunteers for our outreach missions.
  • That God will put the right people in our paths as we scatter seed; that the Holy Spirit will prepare the hearts of those we serve and will continue to water the seed we scatter; that some of those we serve will find lasting recovery and may some day begin to serve others also.




We need people to assist with our outreach missions.

Some of the things we need help with include:

  • Making sandwiches
  • Putting together assistance bags
  • Distributing the assistance bags
  • Praying with the people we distribute assistance to.

Contact us if you would like to volunteer.



If you have food, clothing, or other donations, please contact us.

We are always in need of the following items:

  • Any clean usable clothing, especially socks
  • Tennis/walking shoes and sneakers
  • Food, especially individually wrapped snacks
  • Bottled water
  • Backpacks or drawstring bags
  • Bibles
  • Financial gifts

If you would like to give financially, just click donate here or on the banner at the top of the page. Scattering Seed Homeless Ministry is a 501(c)3 public charity and all gifts are tax deductible.

100% of all usable donated items and all financial gifts directly benefit homeless and struggling individuals in the Albuquerque area. All financial gifts are used to purchase usable items for the people we serve; no monetary assistance is provided. Everyone who works with our ministry is an unpaid volunteer.